Registration is now open for Audiovisual Archives in Universities and Research Institutions, the 2015 annual conference of the Section on University and Research Institution Archives of the International Council on Archives. The conference will be held on 13-16 July in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. The program will address the increasing role that audiovisual archives play in documenting our institutions, societies, and cultures and explore the challenges posed by these archives in universities and research institutions. The conference will provide opportunities to discuss long-standing concerns about the preservation of and access to original media and to explore the opportunities and challenges that digital technologies present.
SUV is offering six €500 bursaries for new professionals, students, and trainees to help support their attendance at the conference. The bursary application is available at:

To register, visit the conference web site at:  Information on lodging options is also available on the web site at:
We look forward to welcoming you to Chapel Hill.