The ICA has been going since 1948. In that time it has published numerous standards, articles, guidance and research papers on professional archive and records management practice.

The newsletter of the All-Russian Archival Science and Records Management Research Institute (VNIIDAD), edited by Professor M.V. Larin, contains materials from the Federal Republics of Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Ukraine and Russia. 

Flash is the newsletter of the ICA.
It’s packed with news about ICA activities and current issues in archives to keep you up-to-date. Flash comes out three times a year and is only available to ICA members. As David Leitch, ICA’s Secretary General and Publications Director, says ‘In Flash we aim to give members a summary of the latest developments in ICA. The emphasis is on crisply written text presented in an attractive format. We are very pleased that, thanks to the support of the National Archives of Algeria, we can now provide copies of Flash in Arabic and Spanish, in addition to English and French.

The ICA/SUV Newsletter not only strives to inform SUV members about SUV efforts and programs but also attempts to broaden archivists’ outlook by introducting and discussing archival projects, issues, and resources from across the globe. 

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