Date : Friday 9 September 2016 2016 11:45-13:15
Salle : HALL E6
Presentations : P196 / P197/ P198
P196 Reconciliation of a nation – the part of archives
Available in languages ENG
In my presentation (Reconciliation of a nation – the part of archives) I will discuss the holdings of archives of commissions that were formed to investigate the 2008 financial crisis in Iceland. The presentation will argue that the preservation of those sources is an important factor of the aftermath of the crisis and for the Icelandic people an aspect to recovery to trust for public agencies and the society in whole. 
I relate very much to the congress theme of archives and harmony. In my work as an archivist I have had the goal to bring together and cooperate with different stakeholders. I believe that one can achieve more with active cooperation and learning from other professions and professionals.
I am looking very much forward to go to Seoul. This will be my second ICA congress but my first one was in Vienna, Austria, in 2004. I have never travelled to Asia before so it will also be very exciting to visit Seoul and Korea. The value of such an international conference is especially to bond with other delegates, whether on a professional basis or personal, and it will be great to meet colleagues from all over the world. The programme of the congress is diverse and exciting and I am looking forward to learn from other archival professionals and to hear what is happening in the archival world. Most of all I am looking forward to sessions on reconciliation and archives.