Thank you to all the candidates for seats on ICA’s Programme Commission (PCOM) and to the ICA members who voted in the first full PCOM election under the recently revised ICA Constitution and Internal Regulations.

We had an excellent slate of candidates. With the following newly elected members, the Programme Commission will include archivists and records professionals from all four of ICA’s regions: Europe and North America, Asia and the Pacific, Africa and the Arab States, and Latin America and the Caribbean. For the first time, the Programme Commission will also include an indigenous archivist. In addition, we are happy to introduce three new specialized seats on the Commission, as elected by current members of PCOM from among the nominees.

New Elected PCOM Members

Role Name Country Region
PCOM At-Large Member Ryan Courchene Canada North America
PCOM At-Large Member Cristina Díaz Martínez Spain Europe
PCOM At-Large Member Maximiliaan Scriwanek Curaçao Caribbean
Programme Liaison for ICA Training Programme Jonathan Isip Philippines Asia
Programme Liaison for New Professionals Programme Maria Papanikolaou Germany Europe
Early Career Representative Elisabeth Klindworth Germany Europe


We would welcome your feedback about this first full PCOM election so we can improve the process for the future.