Are you ready to take your first steps toward leadership in the archival profession? The International Council on Archives (ICA) invites emerging professionals to apply for the New Professionals Programme (NPP) 2025—a unique opportunity to gain global recognition and experience.

Why Apply?

Selected participants will
Attend and Present:

Join new professionals from different parts of the world to present your work at the ICA Barcelona 2025 Congress.

Collaborate Globally

Engage in impactful group projects with peers from around the world.

Network with Leaders

Receive mentorship and connect with industry experts.

Past Projects Spotlight

Previous NPP participants have tackled critical topics:
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Volunteers in archives: exploring the relationship between archive professionals and volunteers

Presented their findings during International Archives Week 2023, exploring the relationship between working in the archives sector and volunteering.

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Survey: Gaps: An Analysis of the Roles, Responsibilities and Challenges of New Professionals Today

This project, led by the 2022 New Professionals cohort, expands on the 2016 survey that provided insights into the origins, skills, and roles of ICA’s New Professional members. The updated survey examines how these professionals have evolved over the past five years.

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Whose Stories Do We Tell? A New Professionals Picnic Blanket on Digitisation Strategy

Advocated for inclusive digitization strategies, presented at the #ICAEKS2021 Conference and ICA Roma 2022.

How to Apply 

If you’re an ICA member with less than five years of experience, apply now to join this prestigious program. Not a member yet? Learn how to become an ICA member by clicking here. 

Applications are accepted in English, French, or Spanish. Deadline: 8 September 2024