Cooperation will focus on areas of common interest with regard to marketing, communications strategies and translation over training for the Spanish-speaking archival community. 
Following their successful joint initiative #AnArchiveIs international social media campaign staged as part of “International Archives Week” celebrations in 2020, the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the Association of Latin-American Archivists (ALA) have decided to enter into a framework agreement to define areas of cooperation and common interest namely: 
Training and translation: ICA and ALA will explore the possibilities for cooperation in translating, advising on and auditing professional content based on the priorities established for the ICA Training Programme. 
Membership benefits for ALA members: ICA and ALA will explore the possibilities of offering special benefits for ALA members attending ICA events, and of using ICA online platforms and resources to promote more active and inclusive participation of the Spanish-speaking community. 
Communications: ICA and ALA will explore the possibilities for cooperation in planning, designing and implementing communications campaigns to promote the work and strategic goals of both organisations at international and regional level. In working on these campaigns, ICA and ALA will consider the possibility of creating a Communications Advisory Board for providing advice with regard to the definition and development of such initiatives. 
By undertaking actions in the specific areas mentioned above, the aim will be to foster the overall development of archives and suitable management and protection of documentary heritage throughout the Spanish-speaking regions. It will also help promote and disseminate important contributions from both communities. 
Background information  
ICA is an international association created in 1948 under the auspices of UNESCO to be a voice for archives and archivists on the international stage, by promoting the vital role played by archiving and recordkeeping in protecting the rights of nations and individuals and in supporting democratic processes and good governance. ICA’s vocation is that of harnessing the cultural diversity of its members in order to achieve efficient professional solutions and of helping to shape a profession that is adaptable and open to innovation. It is a truly international organisation, which has direct dealings with decision-makers at the highest level and works in close cooperation with intergovernmental organisations such as UNESCO and the European Council. 
ALA is a non-profit professional and cultural association that was founded in Lima (Peru) on 6 April 1973. It is considered one of the most active branches of the ICA and works to encourage communication and cooperation among all sectors of the archival community of its member countries. In recent years, the pace of development of archival activities within the Spanish-speaking community has accelerated through effective cooperation and ALA has played a key role in organising activities designed to encourage efforts to further knowledge and promote the exchange of ideas and experience. 
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