From 14 to 21 July 2024, Shanghai hosted the Global Archive Community in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities” workshop, a landmark event co-organized by Shanghai University, the International Council on Archives, and the Shanghai Municipal Archives.

This immersive 8-day workshop brought together archival professionals, educators, researchers, and post-doctoral fellows from around the world to engage in deep, impactful discussions and learning experiences. Let’s now take a detailed journey through the event, highlighting the key moments, sessions, and insights that defined each day.


14 July: Arrival and Welcoming Events

The workshop commenced with the registration of participants at the Lehu New Building, where they were warmly welcomed to Shanghai. The opening ceremony room was prepared to set the stage for the following day’s events. An evening dinner with organizers and partners of the workshop provided an opportunity for networking and fostering connections among attendees.


15 July: Opening Ceremony and Engaging Activities

The opening ceremony, hosted by Professor Duan Yong, took place in the Library Auditorium, highlighting the presence of distinguished leaders such as Liu Changsheng, President of Shanghai University, Xu Weiwan, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Archives, Josée Kirps, President of the ICA, and Lin Zhenyi, Deputy Director of the Central Archives. Their speeches underscored the workshop’s significance in promoting archival excellence.

Following the ceremony, Josée Kirps delivered a keynote speech on the structure and activities of the ICA, while Dr. Feng Huiling spoke on breakthroughs in Chinese archival science. The afternoon featured an expert lecture by Mr. Tay Jam Meng from the National Archives Singapore on integrating modern technology into preservation. A class activity in the evening allowed participants to get to know one another and build connections.


16 July: A Journey Through Shanghai’s Archival Landscape

The day started with a visit to the Shanghai Municipal Archives, where Josée Kirps, President of the ICA, had the honor of meeting Ms. Xu Weiwan, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Archives. The day unfolded with a thought-provoking lecture by Zhang Jianming, Director of the Archival Preservation Technology Department, who shared insights into the latest advancements in archival preservation.

An official lunch provided a delightful opportunity for Josée Kirps to receive gifts from Ms. Xu Weiwan, highlighting the warm hospitality of the Shanghai archival community. The workshop’s focus then shifted to the restoration of paper archives, an essential skill in preserving our historical records. The day concluded with a memorable evening cruise along the Bund, an unexpected treat that offered a stunning view of Shanghai’s skyline.


17 July: Exploring Suzhou’s Archival Innovations

The fourth day brought participants to Suzhou Municipal Archives, where the Deputy Director, Mr. Chen Kai, welcomed everyone warmly. Professor Mpho Ngoepe from the University of South Africa delivered a groundbreaking lecture on “Reshaping and Expanding the Influence of Archives in the Digital Age.” His discussion on the intersection of AI and archival management was both brilliant and disruptive, challenging conventional perspectives and inspiring new approaches.

The day’s itinerary also included visits to the China National Silk Archives, the Humble Administrator’s Garden, Zhenze Ancient Town, and the THX Sericulture Park, enriching participants with a deep appreciation of Suzhou’s cultural heritage. The evening saw the group return to Shanghai, reflecting on a day of profound learning and exploration.

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18 July: Delving into Shanghai’s Archival Expertise

Day five featured a lecture by Professor Jin Bo on “The Chinese Experience in Archival Data Governance in the Era of Big Data.” This was followed by a visit to the Shanghai Jing’an District Archives, where the highlight was a dynamic Q&A session with Ms. Ru Xiling, Director of the District Archives. The engaging discussion further illuminated the evolving practices in archival governance and data management.


19 July: Youth Forum and Future Visions

Day six of the workshop began with a lecture by Hu Zhongliang, hosted by Professor Ding Huadong, which provided a comprehensive look at contemporary challenges in archival science. The afternoon youth forum was particularly noteworthy, as each participant presented their institution’s unique challenges and opportunities, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas and perspectives.


20 July: IFLYTEK Lecture and Closing Ceremony

A workshop on the application of large language models for archival profession by Zhang Haijian of iFLYTEK was a highlight of the morning. The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony hosted by Zhang Kun, where participants were awarded certificates. Speeches from representatives celebrated the achievements and insights gained throughout the week.

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The workshop was a testament to the vibrant and evolving field of archives, marked by inspiring lectures, insightful discussions, and the warm hospitality of our Chinese hosts. Mr. Liu Changsheng, President of Shanghai University, remarked, “The MoU [with ICA] is a new step in international cooperation” and highlighted that “this is a novel cooperation model,” reflecting the innovative spirit of the workshop. Ms. Xu Weiwan, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Archives, noted that the workshop served as “an important window for the world to observe China” and praised Shanghai as “a global metropolis,” emphasizing the city’s significant role on the international stage.

The International Workshop also proved to be an enriching experience that fostered both personal and professional growth among its participants. Widiatmoko Adi Putranto, a Researcher and Lecturer at Universitas Gadjah Mada, highlighted the value of interacting with diverse participants from around the world, which broadened his perspective and opened up new possibilities in his research area: “I met a lot of wonderful participants from different parts of the world which helped me gain invaluable perspectives and open my mind to possibilities and opportunities in this research area”. Similarly, Audrey Hofwijks Koenders, from the National Archive of Suriname, achieved her goal of learning about AI and archives and discovered even more, such as smart archives and Big Data: “When I left Suriname, I had one goal: to learn one thing about AI and archives, the relation between the two. During the conference, I learned more about it because I also learned about smart archives and Big Data among other topics”. These testimonials underscore the workshop’s success in facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration, inspiring attendees to explore innovative solutions and advance their fields.

As we look forward to future gatherings, the experiences and knowledge shared during this workshop will undoubtedly continue to influence and inspire the global archival community.

Global Perspectives from Our Workshop Participants