SPP General Assembly 2023

International Council on Archives 

Section for the Archives of Parliaments and Political Parties, SPP 

Annual Meeting 2023 

The Knesset, Jerusalem, 30 May 2023 

17:30 – 18:30 

Minutes of the Meeting 


From the SPP board: Inda Novominsky (Vice Chair, Knesset Archives, Israel), Sandra Rodriguez Bermejo (Vice Chair, Congress of Deputies, Spain), Ana Margarida Rodrigues (Secretary, Portuguese Parliament, Portugal). 

Members of SPP and participants in the SPP JERUSALEM CONFERENCE 2023: 

  • Alexander Boix (Archiv der sozialen Demokratie, Germany) 
  • Anja Schade (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany) 
  • Anna Kim (Archive for Christian Democratic Politics of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany) 
  • Antzela Karapanou (Parliamentary Archives Department, Greece) 
  • Bärbel Förster (Archives of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany) 
  • Daniel Schaper (Archive for Christian Democratic Politics of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany) 
  • Egil Borlaug (Stortinget Archives, Norway) 
  • Ewald Grothe (Archiv des Liberalismus, Germany) 
  • Gilad Natan (Knesset Archives, Israel) 
  • Günther Schefbeck (Austrian Parliament, Austria) 
  • Johann Michael Hansmann (Archive for Christian Democratic Politics of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany) 
  • Joris Vanderborght (House of Representatives, Belgium) 
  • María José Cubells Puertes (Archive Department, Cortes Valencianas, Spain) 
  • María Reyes Serrano Gonzales (Archives Cortes de Aragón, Spain) 
  • Matthias Buchholz (The Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Eastern Germany, Germany) 
  • Michael Borchard (Archive for Christian Democratic Politics of Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany) 
  • Michal Barcikowski (Sejm Archives, Poland) 
  • Monserrat García Muñoz (Senate Archives Department, Spain) 
  • Natan Last (Knesset Archives, Israel) 
  • Petr Včelák (Archives of the Chamber of Deputies, Czech Republic). 
  • Rasa Narbutaite (Archives of the Seimas, Lithuania) 
  • Renate Hopfinger (Archiv für Christlich-Soziale Politik, Germany) 
  • Rene Soborg Alslund (Folketingets Arkiv, Denmark) 
  • Shmuel Kochav (Knesset Archives, Israel) 
  • Tahel Yishay (Knesset Archives, Israel) 
  • Tarja Venesvirta (Archive of the Parliament of Finland) 
  • Tero Hanski (Archive of the Parliament of Finland) 

The meeting was conducted by Inda Novominsky, and the minutes were written by Ana Margarida Rodrigues. 

  • Introduction Round and welcome to the new members + Adoption of the Agenda – Inda Novominsky made a summary about the activities of the section in the last years, namely the Revival meeting of the section held in Rome in November 2019; the virtual annual meetings held during the COVID-19 pandemic period; the joint paper presented in the ICA conference “Perception and Knowledge of Political Institutions in Contemporary Democracies” based on a questionnaire sent to all the members of the section and the annual meeting of the Section held in September 2022, in Rome; 
  • Renewal of SPP Offices – the Section members decided to confirm the continuation of the Section’s bureau composition is as follows: Paolo Massa (Chair); Inda Novominsky and Sandra Rodriguez Bermejo (Vice Chairs); Ana Margarida Rodrigues, Anja Kruke, Karin Schneider (Secretaries). The Section Members agreed to have elections to the Board in the next SPP Conference in Lisbon 
  • Arrangements for future SPP Conferences and meetings – it was decided that the SPP Conferences would be held every 2 years and that the next Conference will be hosted by the Historical Parliamentary Archives of the Portuguese Parliament, in Lisbon (Portugal) in 2025. The proposals for a possible subject of the next Conference were in Archival Regulations, Records Management Instruments, Electronic Records Management Systems, Digital Preservation Plans, the use of AI and social media in archival work. There was also a proposal for a possible discussion panel where the participants can present their archives, organizational framing and working processes, to share ideas and compare procedures. All these suggestions will be considered while preparing the 2025 SPP Conference; 
  • The SPP members were also informed that the SPP page in the ICA website is being regularly updated and that all the materials from the Jerusalem Conference 2023 will also be uploaded in the page. 
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SPP Annual Meeting Jerusalem - 30 May 2023 - Minutes
