Reviving ICA-SPP (Rome, November 2019)

The 2019 Annual Meeting of the ICA-SPP took place in Rome on the 28th and 29th november and it was attended by the following members of the Section and by an ICA representative:

  • Karin SCHNEIDER, Austrian Parliamentary Archives
  • Dr. Ewald GROTHE, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit – Archiv des Liberalismus
  • Inda NOVOMINSKY, Israeli Knesset Archives
  • Giampiero BUONOMO, Italian Parliamentary
  • Paolo MASSA, Historical Archives
  • Ana Margarida RODRIGUES, Portuguese Parliamentary Historical Archives
  • Sandra RODRIGUEZ BERMEJO, Spanish Congress of Deputies Archives
  • Günther SCHEFBECK, Former SPP Steering Committee Chairman
  • Emilie GAGNET LEUMAS, The I.C.A. Representativein the Section Meeting

During the two days of the Meeting, the experiences exchanged, together with the recommendations and guidelines given by Emilie Leumas, allowed the creation of a strategy to revitalize the SPP, by establishing a provisional governance body based on the unanimous decision of the members who attended the meeting.

Therefore, and with the unanimous agreement of all participants in this meeting, Paolo Massa was nominated as President and will be responsible for initiating the SPP’s activities. Such activities consist on bureaucratic aspects of updating formal SPP documents, such as the Rules and Regulations and on requesting the Secretary General of ICA to arrange for a meeting of the Plenary Assembly of SPP to be held in association with the ICA Congress in Abu Dhabi in 2020, in order to elect the Steering Committee.

In addition to these formal actions, which can be found in the Final Declaration of the Meeting (see the Meeting Proceedings Document), the following short / medium term action lines were decided:

  • Renewal and update of the SPP page on the ICA website;
  • Creation of an online forum or a page in social media to maintain permanent and dynamic contacts between the members of the Section;
  • Creation of working conditions and dynamics for holding annual meetings;
  • Submission of a joint activity within the scope of the ICA International Congress in 2020;
  • Expansion of the section’s contacts in order to allow new members to join.

Unfortunatelly, due to the Covid-19 pandemia, the ICA Congress was postponed to October 2021 and, consequently, all the ICA-SPP activities which were to take place at the International Congress.

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ICA-SPP 2019 Meeting Proceedings and Final Declaration
