Do you know someone who has made a significant contribution to archives at an international level? Has a member of ICA made an outstanding contribution to this organisation? Then nominate them to be recognized as an ICA Fellow. 
Who can be nominated as an ICA Fellow?  
ICA Fellows are professionals who have impacted the archival international community on different levels and different types of contributions, such as: 
To the ICA 
service for at a minimum of 4 years on ICA governance bodies, ICA Branches, Sections, Committees, Working Groups, the Programme Commission or FIDA,   
authoring or contributing to ICA Publications or Standards,    
participation in sessions of the CITRA, ICA Conferences, ICA Congresses or other ICA educational opportunities as session chairs, presenters or organisers, or   
advocating for ICA at a high level with International Governmental Organisations  
Or/and to the archival or information management profession or professional education and training with special emphasis on international involvement   
authoring or contributing to professional archival and information management publications,  
participation in archival information management educational and training opportunities as session chairs, presenters, or organisers, or  
service in governance bodies of national or international archival, information management, library or museum associations or institutions or related educational institutions.  
More information about the criteria for ICA Fellows can be found here.  
Nominees for ICA Fellow do not have to be an ICA member. Please also note that the Fellowship cannot be awarded posthumously and self-nominations will not be accepted. 
Find out more about the call here.