Organized by the DPC and supported by digital preservation networks around the globe, World Digital Preservation Day is open to participation across all sectors, from anyone interested in securing our digital legacy - members and non-members alike - and will showcase the daily activities of those involved with or contemplating digital preservation.

Suggestions for contributions are as follows, although alternative proposals are welcomed:

  • Share a typical 'digital preservation day' on Social Media: Take photos, make videos, share updates about your own 'digital preservation day' using the social media platform of your choice. Can you persuade your organization to let you take over the corporate social media account for the day to talk about digital preservation? In the run up to WDPD2018, why not share who you think this year’s Digital Preservation Awards winners will be? Just remember to use the hashtags #WDPD2018 and #DPA2018 
  • Blog about Digital Preservation: Share your own digital preservation story on World Digital Preservation Day. Post your piece to your own blog and send the link to be added to the WDPD2018 page, or send your post in advance to by Friday 9th November and it will be added to the DPC's own WDPD2018 blog roll. 
  • Hold and publicize a live event: If you or your workplace are planning an event in celebration of WDPD2018, or if you are attending or organizing a relevant event which coincides with WDPD2018, submit details to by Friday 9th November and the details will be added to the ‘What’s On’ section of the WDPD2018 page of the website, including URLs for your event. Download the WDPD2018 logo in your language and add it to related emails and communications for your event and publicize it using the #WDPD2018 hashtag for greater visibility.
  • Submit case studies to the BitList: Following the publication of the ‘BitList of Digitally Endangered Species’ for the first time in 2017, the DPC is seeking case studies of work completed in support of the preservation of current entries over the last year. Case studies will be used to re-assess the BitList entries and, in a new edition published on WDPD2018, new classifications for the listed at-risk materials will be revealed. Submit case studies to by Friday 9th November.

This year, an exciting addition to the WDPD2018 program will see the culmination of the Digital Preservation Awards 2018 in a spectacular awards ceremony in Amsterdam. This event will take place as part of the International ‘Teaching and Training in Digital Preservation’ Conference on 29th and 30th November, hosted by the Dutch Digital Heritage Network and the Amsterdam Museum. Registration for this event is now open.

WDPD2018 is just one of the ways the Digital Preservation Coalition helps raise awareness of the strategic, cultural and technological issues which make up the digital preservation challenge. The Coalition also supports its members through other advocacy activities, workforce development, capacity-building and partnership; helping members to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services and derive enduring value from their digital collections. 

For a detailed program and more information about World Digital Preservation Day visit the event page on the DPC website, follow the hashtags #WDPD2018 and #DPA2018 on Twitter for updates or contact for more details.