On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the ICA, the International Council on Archives - Section on Sports Archives (SPO), invites you to take part in an online round table about the archives of sports and of the Olympic Games, on Monday 27 November 2023 at 15:00 CET (Paris time).

In this virtual session, the guests will be discussing the tasks of collecting, preserving and promoting archives of sports and of the Olympic Games in the context of the preparation for the next Olympic Games, which will take place in Paris in 2024.

Programme and Speakers

The first part of the round table will be devoted to talking about collecting, preserving and promoting the archives of the Olympic Games. The invited speakers are:

  • Cécile Fabris, Head of the Department of Education, Culture and Social Affairs, National Archives of France 
  • Cyprien Henry, Head of the Archives and Cultural Heritage Mission, Ministry of National Education and Youth, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Ministry of Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, France 
  • Chloé Moser, Deputy Head Archivist, Social Ministries, in charge of the archives of COJO (Comité d’organisation des jeux olympiques), France

The second part will be focused on the Grande collecte des archives du sport (Major collection of sports archives), a project that has been promoted all over France by the Interministerial Archives Service of France. The speakers for this section will be: 

  • Brigitte Guigueno, Assistant to the Deputy Director, Sub-Directorate for the Management, Communication and Promotion of Archives, Interministerial Archives Service of France 
  • Juliette Hayette, Project Leader for the Grande collecte des archives du sport, Sub-Directorate for the Management, Communication and Promotion of Archives, Interministerial Archives Service of France 
  • Julie Deslondes, Director of the Calvados Departmental Archives, France
  • Klervie Dogon, in charge of collecting sports archives, Calvados Departmental Archives, France


  • Doudou Sall Gaye, Archivist at the General Secretariat of the City of Monaco and vice-president of the ICA/SPO Sport Archives Section of the International Council on Archives  
  • Véronique Reuter, Archivist at the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, secretary for France of the ICA/SPO Sport Archives Section of the International Council on Archives 

Date: Monday 27 November 2023  

Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CET (Paris time). To confirm the date/time of this session in your time zone please use the following link.  

Location: Online.    

Registration: The session is free and open to all.    


This virtual session will be delivered in French. Interpretation into other languages will not be provided.  

This webinar will be recorded and published on the ICA's YouTube channel.