BOTSWANA (GABORONE), 9-13 September 2019

The Eastern and Southern Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ESRABICA) will host its annual conference on the theme, “Archives & Records: yesterday, today and tomorrow – celebration of golden jubilees” on 9-13 September 2019 in Gaborone, Botswana.

ESARBICA as a regional association of ICA was established in 1969 in Kenya. ESARBICA brings together individuals and institutions concerned with the creation, use, preservation and management of recorded information in eastern and southern Africa. ESARBICA’s mission is the advancement of archives through regional co-operation. Consistent with the objectives of the International Council on Archives (ICA), ESARBICA is concerned with:

  • Providing a forum for the exchange of professional ideals and expertise in the administration and preservation of archives and records
  • Promoting, organizing and co-coordinating activities in the management of records and archives at both regional and international levels
  • Establishing, maintaining and strengthening relations between archivists in the ESARBICA region and other professionals and institutions concerned with the administration & preservation of records and archives
  • Carrying out the aims and objectives of the International Council on Archives
  • Facilitating continuing education through professional attachments, study visits, seminars and workshops
  • Providing technical and financial assistance to members whenever possible
  • Promoting the implementation of the professional code of conduct (code of ethics)


This year (2019) ESARBICA is celebrating 50 years of existence. Throughout its establishment, ESARBICA managed to successfully host a biennial conference and AGM every second year. Over the years, ESARBICA and its members’ states experienced successes and grand societal challenges relating to archives. These successes are worth celebrating and the grand societal challenges are noted.

Potential regional and international speakers are invited to submit abstracts addressing the theme of the conference and answer questions such as: What have we learned from the past? Are we coping and relevant in the present? Are we prepared and ready for the future? Does the proliferation of technology herald new opportunities for archives and records management? What challenges and risks are we facing? Have we stood and can we stand the test of time? What is worth celebrating? This is a unique opportunity to exchange experiences in an African context.

Papers on topics that address the theme of the conference and the following sub-themes will be considered for inclusion in the conference programme. Accepted papers will be considered for publication in ESARBICA Journal provided the authors submit full papers.

Papers covering the following sub-themes will be considered:

  • Past
  • Present
  • Future
  • Celebrations
  • Community archives
  • Personal records
  • Disruptive technology
  • Advocacy
  • Archival associations
  • Education
  • ‘wicked problems’ through archives and records
  • Africanisation
  • New archival opportunities
  • Oral history
  • Displaced Archives, Progress, challenges and opportunities in ESARBICA Region
  • Archival Legislation, policies and ethical issues
  • Audio-Visual archives.

Practice-based papers are also encouraged especially those relating to case studies on managing records in such areas as security organizations, religious societies, Non-governmental organizations etc.

Important Dates:

Submission of abstracts: 12 July 2019

Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 31 July 2019

Paper submission: 23 August 2019.


Abstracts of less than 300 words should be submitted to Dr Keakopa at and copy Prof Ngoepe at

Enquiries can be directed to:


Botswana National Archives and Records Service

P. o. Box 239


Botswana (email:  Tel: +267 3911820)