49th SIO Annual Meeting 49th SIO Annual Meeting

This year’s Annual Meeting & Workshop of the ICA Section on International Organisations (SIO) will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands. Scheduled from the 21st to the 23rd of May 2024, this event will be jointly hosted by the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The meetings and workshops will be held at the facilities of both Europol and OPCW, providing an ideal platform for participants to engage in substantive discussions on topics related to international archives and records management. 

Featuring speakers from 14 organizations and with over 60 members already registered to attend, along with a workshop in collaboration with ICA/PAAG, this event aims to offer valuable insights into the developments of our organization and provide networking opportunities with fellow professionals. 

This event is supported by the International Council on Archives (ICA) through the Programme Commission. 

Key Information

21-23 May 2024
The Hague, The Netherlands
Registration is required. The deadline is 30 April 2024, 17:00 EST
21-23 May 2024
The Hague, The Netherlands
Registration is required. The deadline is 30 April 2024, 17:00 EST

Please note that an ICA membership number is required for registration. If your organization is an ICA member, all staff members can use the institutional membership number for ICA/SIO meetings and events.


Agenda of the event

If you’re interested in finding out more details about the programme of the event, please see below for the full agenda and information on suggested hotels.

Highlights of the event

Day 1 – 21 May

- Engage with the ICA/SIO Steering Committee for updates, initiatives, and a group photograph

- Explore different perspectives and challenges of managing classified information

- Participate in this year's workshop on Audiovisual Archiving led by Juan Alonso Fernandez from ICA/PAAG

Day 2 – 22 May

- Start the day with a welcome from EUROPOL followed by host presentations

- Insightful sessions on creating retention schedules, email retention and disposition, and records management modernization

- Wrap up the day with a professional visit to the Peace Palace (TBC)

Day 3 – 23 May

- Kick off the day with a welcome from OPCW and their host presentations

- Learn about the closing of an International Criminal Tribunal, the role of AI in archives, and the newly implemented Records Management Function at UNDP

- Engage in the final round table discussion led by the SIO Steering Committee. The day concludes with the announcement of the 50th SIO Annual Meeting and an optional visit to Panorama Mesdag (TBC)

24 May 2024
Additional Visit
There is also an opportunity for an additional visit to the Dutch Archives to view the Nuremberg Archives. This would take place on Friday, 24th May (the day after the Annual Meeting) and would be on a first-come, first-served basis. Details for registration will be shared once confirmed.

Request a formal letter of invitation in support of attendance approval?

Click here and fill out the form.



If you have questions about this event, please email us at sio@ica.org.

Agenda 49th SIO Annual Meeting & Workshop

ICA - International Council on Archives

Suggested Hotels 49th SIO Annual Meeting & Workshop

ICA - International Council on Archives