The latest issue of Comma on Government Recordkeeping in Sub-Saharan Africa is now available on the ICA website in the member space only by following this link

Recordkeeping is a dynamic field in sub-Saharan Africa, where historical, cultural, political and economic factors work in combination to create environments that challenge established approaches to archival theory and practice. This is reflected in a growing wealth of writing by colleagues in and outside the region. This issue of Comma brings together new writing on government recordkeeping in sub-Saharan Africa, including colonial and post-colonial administrative histories, analyses of the capacity of national archives to deliver recordkeeping services, examinations of the introduction of digital systems to government work and of the  records-related implications, and, finally, reflections on broader issues of good governance, accountability, and archival solidarity.
Comma can be accessed with your ICA username and password at: Comma via Metapress (en). (Non-members can access individual articles on a pay-per-view basis at ).
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