This announcement is jointly issued by the SEAPAVAA Executive Council and the Vietnam Film Institute (host institution for SEAPAVAA’s 24th Conference and General Assembly)
An Advisory  on SEAPAVAA’s 24th Conference and General Assembly scheduled to take place in Da Nang, Vietnam from 8th-12th June 2020, was jointly issued by the SEAPAVAA Executive Council (EC) and the Vietnam Film Institute (VFI) on 31st January 2020.
The Advisory stated that:
–     the  EC and the VFI were closely monitoring the developments of the Covid-19 situation, even as all preparations for SEAPAVAA’s 24th Conference and  General Assembly were proceeding as normal and it was fully expected that the event would take place as planned.
–     should there be a need to cancel the event, the EC and the VFI would announce the cancellation by early May 2020.
Since the issuance of the Advisory, the  developments of the Covid-19 situation  around the world  as well as the messages of concern that we have received from  SEAPAVAA members and  other parties interested in the work of the association, have led the  EC and the VFI to conclude that it is needful to cancel SEAPAVAA’s 24th Conference and General Assembly in Da Nang, Vietnam.
Notwithstanding  this  cancellation,  SEAPAVAA’s  24th   General  Assembly  and  the  2020 SEAPAVAA Elections for a new Executive Council (2020-2023) – originally  scheduled to take place in Da Nang, Vietnam, on 11th June 2020 – will   still proceed but  in an  electronic form. The EC and   Secretariat   will   advise the SEAPAVAA membership   of   the implementation details in due course.